Events · Special Projects

Nomination for Best of the Net

I am deeply honored to be nominated by work to a calm for a Best of the Net award. They have chosen my poem “To the Men who told me my Love was not enough” along with four other poets from their web journal. The site specializes in confessional poetry. I’ve slowed my poetry activity quite a bit this year, so this news feels especially timely.

Events · Feature Readings

Women of Wonder at the Wine Bar

Very excited to join all these Women of Wonder on Wednesday, August 23rd, for a night of poetry, music, and art. Each of these women, Rachel Galindo, Tiffany Dawn Hasse, Shy But Flyy, Melissa Lussier, and Yeggi Kaela Watts, is a force in our Long Beach community! The wonder begins at 7 pm at 250 W. Ocean Blvd. in Long Beach. Check out the Facebook event page for more details!